Portfolio Analyzer

At ConWX we receive numerous requests from energy companies, energy trading companies and developers, eager to understand the impact a new wind or solar asset will have on their existing portfolio. 

  • Will the new assets minimize or add to their current balancing risk?  
  • What influence will the new wind or solar park have on yearly production variability?  
  • Will it contribute to the diversification of the portfolio? 

With Portfolio Analyzer, you can easily simulate hourly production from wind and solar power assets covering a period from the year 2000 to the present – based on high-resolution weather data and empirical power curves for a wide selection of production units. This makes it possible for you to: 

  • diversify your current portfolio – hence minimizing forecasting errors and keeping balancing costs at a minimum 
  • test different market stress scenarios 

Portfolio Analyzer Introduction

23 years and 1.5 trillion of weather data elements are available to you and provide you with an instant overview of the expected production load in the area of your choice for wind and solar power assets. Calculations can be carried out on individual assets, as well as on portfolio levels.

You can set up as many assets as you want and do an analysis of: 

  • new markets or countries 
  • the competitive landscape 
  • or hedging strategies 

Besides, ConWX Portfolio Analyzer gives you access to 23 years of historical data for more than 20 weather parameters, such as e.g. wind speed, wind direction, temperature and radiation. All behind-the-scene data is also easily available to you for further analysis. 

Mockup of ConWX Portfolio Analyzer


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