Portfolio Analyzer

Wondering how a new group of wind/solar parks will influence your existing portfolios? What changes can you expect in yearly variability? Will the new assets minimize balancing risk? Our Portfolio Analyzer will provide you with an instant overview of the expected production load in any area of your choice.

Estimating power production output is a crucial factor prior to any energy project. With the Portfolio Analyzer, developed by ConWX, you can simulate hourly output of wind and solar assets across Europe and Asia. This enables you to quickly assess the project’s value while testing market stress scenarios and preparing a competitive analysis.

Our cloud-based system uses high-resolution weather data and empirical power curves for a wide range of product units that run over 23-year time spans. 

The ConWX Portfolio Analyzer can perform calculations for individual assets as well as entire portfolios.

Portfolio analyzer

What can you expect

New assets simulation

Assess how new assets influence your current portfolio and play around with different scenarios, incl. elements, such as technology (wind/PV), equipment manufacturer, wind turbine type, installed capacity, and location. 

Power production simulation

Identify the impacts that the new asset may have on your production variability, using either hourly or yearly timescales.

Power production trend

Evaluate the long-term power production trends of your individual asset or entire portfolio.

Portfolio diversification

Simulate any wind or solar park and explore how diversifying your assets can contribute to your investment portfolio.

Historical weather data

Access 23 years of hourly historical weather data, including weather parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation, temperature, and pressure..

Historical wind & PV data

Access 23 years of hourly wind and PV production data from any location in Europe and Asia.


Demo Video

Watch the Portfolio Analyzer demo video to see how you can gain unique insights into the expected production output from a new wind park you are adding to your portfolio.

How to set up a new asset?
How to run the analysis?
How to generate power and weather data?
Mockup of ConWX Portfolio Analyzer


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