Weather Forecast Analysis & Reports

ConWX provides medium and long-term weather forecasts for any site, region, country, or energy market for up to three months at a time.

Our analysis shows different trends – such as wind, temperature, or precipitation. This gives you and your team a well-defined overview of relevant parameters that have a direct influence on energy pricing and trading decisions.

Graph of precipitation for the next 7 days
Precipitation anomaly for next 10 days
GFS and EC weather maps
Wind power graphs
Temperature weather maps
Pressure development weather maps

What can you expect

Weekly reports with deep insight into relevant parameters influencing the energy market.

Forecasts of wind power production and hydropower production, including changes in temperature.

Brief overview of the energy market(s) of interest.

Weather maps.

Short, mid- and long term energy outlook.

Uncertainty analysis.

Email warnings

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